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How To Reach Your Mobile Audience With UGC Videos

Jasmine Youssefzadeh
October 18, 2023
The First Step!!

After filming, you are going to be facing a little problem. Not every digital outlet has the same pixel requirement. This diversity adds to your workload as you need to format your UGC videos to work properly on cell phone screens.

To do that, you just need to look up the pixel requirement for cell phones and then edit your video to meet those requirements. But that is just the first step in the process.

To know more about how to make your newly formatted video reach a wider mobile audience, keep reading the article.

Why Promote UGC Videos For Mobile Centric Audience

There is a very good and legitimate reason why you should promote your UGC video content to mobile phone users. About 3/4 of all e-commerce sales were conducted through mobile phone use.

That number is expected to rise. One of the reasons for this trend is that using a mobile phone to make purchases is very convenient for most people. It is much easier to find the products you want where you are than it is to drive or take public transportation to the nearest store.

Another good reason is that it is cheaper to shop through online websites than it is to use traditional options. Helping people save money while making it more convenient for them to shop at your store helps convert visitors to paying customers.

This is a smart business strategy to adopt if you want a chance at being a business success.

How To Identify Your Mobile Audience

One of the first steps in this process is to know who you are targeting. That starts by analyzing your products or services. Are these items designed for children, teens, adults, singles, senior citizens, and so on?

Once you have that age group defined, then you can move on to the other criteria that help you identify your mobile audience. Those criteria include:

l Gender

l Location

l Language

l Education

l Employment

l Marital status

l Family status

l Interests

Since you are targeting a mobile audience, you only need to worry about cell phones and tablets for the most part. Each one of those criteria has its own special questions you need to ask and answer. For interests, is it going to the gym or the library, etc.?

Then for marital status, are they married, single, engaged, or dating? Do you want to target highly educated people or blue-collar workers with no college experience? The questions you ask and answer will help you identify who you need to reach.

Explore Compelling UGC Video Content And UGC Platforms

While you do not have to be a top influencer or have influencer-level skills to use UGC video content, it does help to find and implement those UGC video tools that make your use seamless and easy.

There are many UGC video platforms that will help you get your UGC video on mobile. Most seem to be easy to use and access. Unfortunately, many of these platforms are very expensive to use.

You would have to filter them out till you find one you can afford. But before you look into paying for a UGC video platform, you need to ensure that the videos you are going to integrate into your website are filled with compelling and the best content possible.

It is a waste of money to use those platforms to integrate low-quality or just bad UGC videos. Doing this and filtering out the platforms will be your hardest tasks in this issue.

Optimizing UGC Videos For Mobile Devices

Before you get started, you need to understand the importance of this task. Roughly half of your website visitors will be using their mobile or cellphone. That number should be rising every year.

Now that you know the importance of this task, here are some tips to achieve this objective:

1. The Video Must Be Responsive- This means you have to format the video to meet mobile phone requirements.

2. Upload Short But Fast-Loading Videos- You will lose viewers if your videos are too long or they take too long to load.

3. Create A Positive User Experience- You do not want your website visitors to waste time getting to the information they need. Make all instructions clear so the visitor knows what to do and then add in a call to action.

4. Keep The Text Readable- You will lose visitors and viewers if they cannot read all the text in the video or website.

How To Monitor And Measure UGC Video Success

The way to do this task is to collect the information using the metrics and tools that align with your business goals and platforms. Once you get this information, you need to compare the data with your benchmarks and your competitors’ results.

After that, you also need to read your UGC video feedback and use the information to help you improve those videos. Also, you should use that information to improve user experience.

To help you get an idea of what type of performance you can expect from integrating UGC video content onto your website, experiment a little. Find different UGC strategies and implement them.

Then check their results to see which strategy worked the best for you. There are numerous strategies you can use including putting them in ads, e-mails, landing pages, and more.

The key will be to make sure the UGC video content is relevant to your website content and good.

Some Additional Words

With mobile phone use rising, it makes perfect sense to customize your UGC video content to meet the demand. More and more people are getting mobile phones and connecting to the internet.

Your website and UGC videos should formatted to meet this rising use. If you need help in achieving this important goal, then contact our company today. We will be glad to help you in the best ways possible. Contact us today to get the best results for your UGC video use.

Original UGC Videos, Made for Your Product

Don't hesitate, start now! Plus, we're offering a one-time offer: get your first video for $250 (or free) when you upgrade to a quarterly plan after, so you have nothing to lose!

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