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User Generated Content

Addressing Negative UGC And Protecting Your Brand Reputation

Jasmine Youssefzadeh
February 3, 2024
Types Of UGC Videos

Like all things in life, there is a good side and a bad side. Unfortunately, the latter cannot be removed from the UGC video trend. There will be those UGV video creators who inadvertently or on purpose create negative UGC videos about your store and brand.

While you have the urge to remove these videos from your social media and other accounts, it may be better for your brand if you do not. There are some very compelling reasons why you should not remove those negative UGC video content. Keep reading to find out about those legitimate reasons.

Protecting Your Brand Reputation

In any business, protecting your brand’s reputation is of the utmost priority. If your business gets a bad reputation, then your goal of being successful is short-circuited and you end up barely making ends meet. That is if you can stay in business at all.

It stands to reason that removing bad or negative reviews or user generated video content is the best method to protect your brand. While this option can be effective, it may have a reverse effect than you wanted.

Your website visitors and customers may see this removal as you trying to hide something and the trust between them and you can be damaged if not removed altogether.

The better option is to turn those negative UGC videos into a positive for your company. Here is what you can do:

• Address The Negative Opinions- This will show your website’s visitors and customers that you are not afraid of negative feedback. Instead, you welcome it as both positive and negative feedback is important to you

• Don’t Be Afraid To Acknowledge Their User Experience- Omitting mistakes is one way to build trust in future customers as they see that their comments about how they were treated will be taken seriously.

• Address The Negative Video As Fast As Possible- You will want to monitor your UGC video content constantly and when you see a negative video, do not wait till someone else sees it first. Create a good response to the negative comments so that other visitors to your store will see how you handle problems.

• Ask the negative UGC video creator for feedback on what you could do better. While this helps to improve your customer service, etc., it can be tricky. You will never be able to please everyone.

You will need to weigh their requests with the user experience of other customers to see if the changes are needed.

• Negative Feedback And Your Response Show That You Care- that is an important characteristic that helps build your brand and develop it into a successful business.

Addressing Anonymous UGC Video Content

This is one of the dangers of being in business on the Internet. Many UGC video content is often created by people who work hard to keep their identity a secret. It is impossible to tell if they are a real customer or trolls who are out to damage your business for whatever reason they may have.

There are ways to handle these anonymous videos and removing them is one option you can try. The problem is that it is next to impossible to stop this type of posting. If you remove one or more, chances are you will see more pop up where you do not want them to be.

The first step is to try to identify the UGC video creator. This is as tough as it is to stop these postings. But it can help stop anonymous posting if the creators see that they can be outed.

Another method would be to simply reply in a very constructive way and not get angry at the person posting these videos. Staying calm is the key to responding in a manner that reflects well on your brand.

Or you can take the conversation with the negative UGC video creator offline and conduct the conversation in private. Finally, you can create steps that will verify the customer. These steps must be followed before their UGC video content can be posted.

These are great ways to address negative UGC video content while protecting your brand in a positive way.

Negative UGC Video Content Will Just Go Away

This is what many stores and brands think when they are faced with having negative UGC videos posted on their social media and other accounts. The idea is ‘if you ignore them, they will just go away’.

But that is far from the reality for if you appear to be lax in handling negative UGC videos, then you may get a lot more posted to your website and accounts. You cannot ignore these attempts to harm your business.

You do need to address them in the methods already described above. You need to show everyone that you take negative content seriously and will deal with it in a positive manner.

You cannot just close your eyes and wish the situation was different. You need to take the appropriate action in response. That action will help deter other negative UGC video creators from posting on your website or accounts.

To be able to bounce back after being hit with negative UGC videos, you need to have already developed a strong bond between your brand and your visitors and customers.

This bond has to be a healthy relationship so that your visitors, etc., know that the negative comments in those videos are not true.

Some Additional Words

Negative UGC video content is part of doing business in the public sphere. Not everyone will be happy with the way they were treated and will let the world know about it.

How you respond to these negative videos will help determine if your business is successful or not. If you need help to find the best ways to respond, then contact us.

Our company has the experience and knowledge to help you turn those negative UGV video content into a positive experience for you and your brand.

Original UGC Videos, Made for Your Product

Don't hesitate, start now! Plus, we're offering a one-time offer: get your first video for $250 (or free) when you upgrade to a quarterly plan after, so you have nothing to lose!

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